Adolescent Boy Reproduction: Completely Evaluative Guidelines

Adolescent Boy Reproduction: Completely Evaluative Guidelines

1. Learn the meaning of the phrase “second dinner” and stock up on Trader Joe’s frozen entrees for the hungry nocturnal scavengers.

2. Take pleasure in the handsome, kind, and humorous boy who can make you laugh with a deadpan remark like “Same” after you’ve lamented aloud about how difficult perimenopause is.

3.Truthfulness is number eight. It’s important to show proper decorum. If someone confides in you about a difficult situation, your first response should be, “I’m so glad you told me.” It’s important to follow up with “How can I help?”

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4. If they are having sex, whether with a boy, a girl, or no one at all, have a conversation with them about consent and show them the British public service announcement video “Tea and Consent” as a starting point. Because hasty sex is usually bad and potentially unsafe sex, regardless of how much fun you may have had behind the bleachers or in somebody’s parked car.

5. If you want your son to participate in whatever you’re doing, the answer to the question “Is it okay if my friends come with us?” will always be yes. It’s also because you’ll recall how he used to be too reserved to extend invitations.

Daniel Harrison

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